On Constantly Calibrating we abide by a simple rule: keep the show going, no matter what. So, when Josh's toddler decides to go nuclear on his diaper 30 seconds after the stream goes live, we keep going. When said child wanders into the room with thoughts on the current political climate, we keep going. When secret businesses are uncovered related to our guests, we...well you see how this works. So, don't be surprised if in this Star Wars fueled episode it takes a fair bit to get to that wonderful war of the stars. It takes a bit to get to The Last Jedi, but when we do...we derail and move onto other Star Wars topics.

Don't forget to check out the fan film we review towards the end, Star Wars: The Force and the Fury, as it's a delightful romp through a section of the Star Wars universe.

And don't go looking in that never before discussed Constantly Calibrating rulebook for that never discussed simple rule. Such things are not for the likes of you!

