On this week's Constantly Calibrating we're ridiculously tired. Like, our spirits are willing, but our flesh is spongy and bruised. After conducting a 25+ hour live stream for Extra Life -- which you can still donate to at www.ConstantlyCalibrating.com/ExtraLife -- our team (those that survived) have gathered to discuss the stream as a whole. We talk about what went right, what went awry, and how we can do better for next time. We also delve into everyone (within memory) that we could possibly thank.

From there Brad took a trip down Blizzcon lane, extolling the virtues of the now revealed Sombra, looking at the possible demise of Starcraft 2, and building off of World of Warcraft possibly hitting his dream levels again.

Oh, and did we mention that Josh lost his mind and discussed N7 Day & Mass Effect Andromeda for 30 minutes? Cause that is kind of important. If you're watching the video podcast on YouTube, you'll see us experiment with our first React-styled content. We cover Andromeda facts, theories, and the merch surrounding N7 Day.

Take a listen or a watch and join us for this fun discussion.