For this week's adventure in podcasting our team sent intrepid individual, and Constantly Calibrating Creative Director, Justin Stanley to the surprisingly frigid hellscape* of Boston, Massachusetts. Why would we do such a thing, you may be asking? Well, because last weekend it was PAX East 2017!

That's right, Justin went to the land of Quincy Market to explore the wonders of Penny Arcade's annual eastern-based gaming experience to acquire tales to delight and tantalize you. From games like Graveyard Keeper and Songbringer to Flipping Death and Northgard, we have many a tale.

But that's not all!

In addition the team explores the world of who is allowed to repair your broken consoles, while pondering what happened to Josh at the start of the show.

Welcome to episode 218 of the Constantly Calibrating Podcast!


*To be abundantly clear, we have nothing against Boston. In fact, it's in Josh's top 5 favorite cities in the world, but as anyone who was there last weekend knows, it was cold as frell.