E3 2017 is officially over, which, as stated on this week's episode, is absolutely glorious! The week-long event is a cornerstone event of the gaming industry, but an exhausting one to say the least. Even sitting at home and "simply" co-streaming the show and podcasting is draining on the soul and the haunches. But never fear, as this week's episode is full of pep, energy, and insight into the event, and a bit of stirring up controversy with Anthem, but more on that in a minute.

From a burgeoning focus on multiplatform gaming to a multitude of odd surprises, E3 2017 made a splash this year. Whether that splash was a triumphant cannonball, or bellyflop accompanied by a wet fart is still yet to be decided. The team at Constantly Calibrating, however, can at least say that the show provided plenty to discuss. 

That's why you're listening to or watching our podcast, presumably.

There is also the suddenly growing concern among BioWare "fans" that the newly announced game Anthem ruined Mass Effect Andromeda. This is dumb and we're going to explain why, and try not to hurt your feelings on the subject. Mostly.

All that, and a host muting his mic in everything except Skype, on this week's Constantly Calibrating Podcast!