Welcome to Episode 48 of Constantly Calibrating, wherein I am not home to make sure this is posting correctly.


On this week's episode we conclude or two-part, but not quite two-part focus episode on BioShock Infinite, which happens to begin with a different topic each time. Confusing, I know. What's even more confusing is how poorly my song choice for this week transitions into the episode. Oh well, I'm rushing to get ready for a trip and not thinking all too clearly.

This week is all about Star Wars: The Old Republic and BioShock Infinite. For one, we discuss returning and whether we like what we've found; the other we look deep into our spoilery crystal balls to see what we think of what is arguably the best game of this new year. (Not up for arguement however is the winner of "Best Character of the Year".)

That's this week of Constantly Calibrating, so we hope you enjoy!