At Phoenix Comicon 2016, Joshua Silverman (Editor-in-Chief), Brian McDaniel (Head of Business Development), and Thaddeus Adams (Content Development Manager) walked into a room at the Phoenix Convention Center and discussed Sexuality in Mass Effect. That's right, we tackled the topics that have been on Mass Effect fan's minds for nearly a decade now:

If a Krogan has four testicles, how many dicks do they have? Can we fill a room with people wanting to discuss Turian dicks? What is Geth sexuality? Is it possible to have a serious conversation about Sexuality in Mass Effect?

These questions, and many more, were answered to some degree during our Phoenix Comicon panel; a panel that was such an overwhelming success that we can't wait to do it again next year!

So sit back and join us as we take a deep look into Sexuality in Mass Effect.


The "Sexy Garrus" featured in our podcast feature image can be found here and is not owned, nor was it created by Constantly Calibrating.