Previous Episode: 385 Constant Procession
Next Episode: 387 Constant Procession

Christmas is still being celebrated as the 12 Days are counted down. 

What’s continuing from Jesus Christ’s big day is the spreading of this joy on earth. 

There’s still more to come through the evening of January 5! Share the Good Cheer!

Full participation for Christmas 2023 included 6 weeks before, via the Nativity Fast or in the Western Church it was the 4 weeks before Christmas with the 4 Sundays of Advent.

These activities culminated with Christmas Eve.

 Christmas Day was Day 1, the first day of the celebrating of this great gift from above!

And it now continues with the amazing 12 days of Christmas as the Wisemen traveled to Bethlehem to offer their gifts to Christ on Earth…


There are links for more about this on my website.


Pray for this new war in the Middle East to end.

Also, Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links for ways to support them on my website:


And you can use this link to preview for FREE and/or purchase my 2nd book, "The Very Fine Light" at


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Or via email at [email protected]

Constant Procession tells of key apparitions of the Virgin Mary since she passed on from the world and how she serves humanity through Christianity.

The origin of these podcasts began with my first book, The Constant Procession.

An e-book copy of the book can be found on my website:

Constant Procession (the podcast) is published every Tuesday morning and has links, photos, video and more information for each episode at