Previous Episode: 369 Constant Procession
Next Episode: 371 Constant Procession

Part 15- Summer Listening continues with this fifteenth installment of my 1st book “The Constant Procession.”

The Virgin Mary appears at Medjugorje in Yugoslavia (now Bosnia and Herzegovina) in June 1981. Her earliest messages reinforce Gospel teachings by Christ on ways to live: Love God and Neighbors, Faith, Prayer and Fasting.

These are how a person can ‘return to God’ and enjoy the ‘fullness of life.’

Meanwhile a Pope and a President find renewed clarity of purpose as they live on the pointy edge of the sword, each recovering from assassination attempts.

Poland’s communist government and the Berlin Wall become the new focus of their attention.


And also, you can purchase my 2nd book, "The Very Fine Light" at

Also, Pray for the People of Ukraine. There are links for ways to support them on my website: