We are excited to bring you an episode of Considering the Cinema! It’s been a long time, but Jason Pyles (aka Jay of the Dead) has returned with his co-host, Mack Robins (aka Mackula), and Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker to … Continue reading →

We are excited to bring you an episode of Considering the Cinema! It’s been a long time, but Jason Pyles (aka Jay of the Dead) has returned with his co-host, Mack Robins (aka Mackula), and Dave “Dr. Shock” Becker to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the release of Harold Lloyd’s Safety Last! (1923) on April 1, 2023. Join us!

If you’re a huge Horror fan, you can view all of Jay’s HORROR ONLY episodes at Considering HORROR Cinema.com. Jay of the Dead also hosts a WEEKLY HORROR MOVIE PODCAST with Mister Watson and Projectile Varmint at Horror Movie Weekly.com. And of course, every Horror fan should check out Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies, The Gold Standard of Horror Movie Podcasts.

Thanks for listening to Considering the Cinema Podcast and Considering Horror Cinema, The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of Movie Podcasting… Don’t forget: You can email Jay at [email protected] or post a comment in the show notes for this episode.

SHOW NOTES: Considering the Cinema Ep. 064

[ 00:00:01 ] – Introduction

– A brief word from your hosts

— The 100-year anniversary of the release of Harold Lloyd’s “Safety Last!” (1923).

Review: Safety Last! (1923)

Dave = 9.5 ( Buy the Criterion Blu-ray! )

Mack = 10 ( Buy the Criterion Blu-ray! ) — 99 out of 100


— Next on The DVD Infatuation Podcast: Dave welcomes Karen Wagner to discuss Fantasy films.

Links for this episode:

Movie Podcast Weekly has returned for MONTHLY releases

— Listen to Jay of the Dead’s Horror Movie Weekly with Mister Watson and Projectile Varmint every Sunday!

Jay recommends Nate Johnivan’s music:

Spotify Playlist

Quarantine Dream iii

CTC on Twitter: @ConsiderCinema

Film Blog / Audio Podcast: ConsideringTheCinema.com

HORROR-Only Content: ConsideringHorrorCinema.com

Email: [email protected]

Voicemail: (801) 215-9704

Letterboxd: Letterboxd.com/ConsiderCinema

Don’t forget to check out Considering the Cinema’s new Episode Archive

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