When Dr. Jill Manning began her career as a therapist, she quickly realized how many people of all ages struggled with issues surrounding the use of pornography, including addiction and betrayal trauma. This led her to obtain a Ph.D. in marriage and family therapy, specializing in betrayal trauma. Dr. Jill Manning explains how betrayal trauma victims are affected by their partner's porn use and offers advice to listeners who are experiencing betrayal trauma.

Article: How Avoiding Shame Can Help Partners Who are Healing From Betrayal Trauma

Video: Truth About Porn: Jill Manning, Ph.D.

Video: Our Experience on Porn Recovery and Betrayal Trauma

Podcast: Consider Before Consuming Ep. 54: Ashlynn Mitchell

Podcast: Consider Before Consuming Ep. 45: Jo Robertson

Visit: Dr. Manning's Website

Visit: The Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists

Visit: International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals