I’ve heard enough from those leaders who say they are loosing their patiences with Americans getting the vaccine.  I am especially tired of seeing our media outlets tear apart this country by divided people along the lines of liberty.  In today’s episode I address just how resilient and strong America is and call for a corse of action I believe will fix the issues.

For those of you who need to hear this.

If you are feeling sick or struggling with a respiratory illness.  Please stay home or, if you must go out, wear a mask.  If you can not wear a mask, then ask a friend or neighbor to run your errands.

If you contract COVID-19, seek medical assistance from your closet hospital.  If you are not yet sick, then research alternative treatment options and order supplies to aid in your recovery now, before you get sick.  Any preparation you can do now to prevent you needing advanced medical treatment will decrease any strain on our medical system for those very ill or injured patients who need emergency care.

For those of you who have a comorbidity such as excessive weight, a respiratory impairment, or an immune deficiency, please consider participating in the experimental vaccine to help give your body a fighting chance should you catch COVID.  For those of you not comfortable getting the shot, please restrict your movement to limit your exposure to those who might be carriers of the virus.

God bless you and your family and may God bless America!

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