Like the movies that entertain us for hours on end, television news is written to keep you watching and dam the facts, this is a business.  Neal Postman said television news is a form of entertainment programming and boy didn’t he call that one!  The 24/7 news cycle has put us all on edge and many Americans are scared of what might happen.  This is by design and we’ve reached a tipping point where stress-induced by the negative press can cause some to snap.  In today’s episode, we discuss the ramifications of placing too much faith in the news outlets and what we can do instead.  Then we’ll talk with Life Transformation Master Practitioner who will give us a simple tool we can use to re-focus our energies and take back control of our emotional self.

Teresa Bruni, founder of Less Fear, More Flow will share The 2020 Resilience Journal Project with us and then we wrap up with some perspective on America and what made our nation the greatest on planet earth.

You can learn more about Teresa’s journal project by visiting

You can get Teresa’s book directly from Amazon by clicking here:

This podcast is not just for Republicans…but conservatives of all different political beliefs.  Please subscribe to The Conservatives’ Guide to American Politics on Apple Podcast or wherever you consume your podcast media and share it with a friend.  Only together can we Keep America Great.  

Program Outline

 Learn more about Neal Postman starting at 2:20
 Learn how to consume the nightly news at: 8:34 
 I share a story about my sister that inspired this episode at: 13:34
 My interview with Teresa starts at:  18:12
 My episode conclusion and call to action starts at:  40:44