Welcome to Today’s podcast.  As I said in the opening segment to my first podcast, the American Media has sold out America in favor of a liberal ideology and chooses to assist liberal dogma in the goal of conquering America.  Today’s episode will highlight more proof in my case.  Rule number 11 of Rules for Radicals reads “If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside; this is based on the principle that every positive has its negative.”  Today I will highlight how Liberals and the mainstream media use language to apply this pressure all with the hopes of getting to the counterside of the discussion.  The media relishes the idea of making the President look bad and will go to the extreme to seek out bad from what is otherwise normal news.  When they can’t find the smoking gun, the media will use tactics to get people to generate more news to feed the narrative.  Don’t believe me?  Just listen to these stories and judge for yourself.  By the end of this episode, I will share with you the secret for defeating the liberal dogma.