The Media treats Presidents who are democrats better than they treat those who are republican.  Most of you right now are saying, file that under D for Duh.  Each day of the last three years with President Trump in office I said they couldn’t get any worse.  Each new day brought a new low and a firm head plant in my hand.  Good lord, it can not get any worse than it was today?  In today’s episode, I will take a vacation from a scripted presentation and instead share some newspaper headlines.  Why?  Because of the very obvious bias bugs me and my podcast is the closest I can get to screaming STOP at my television.

50 years from now, if someone reviews past newspapers for a historical perspective on American Presidents, they are going to get a slanted view...we know that now, but will it make sense to the indoctrinated individual layer?  Out public school students are prevented from learning both sides of the discussion...they are instead hit with the personal bias of their teachers.   In college, I confronted a professor when she openly lied about President Bush’s position on Muslims.  Since I was an older student and she was a graduate student, I won the exchange.  She did not dare challenge me.  Of course, I told her in a one on one conversation that I had the means to sue her into oblivion if she screwed around with my grade or treated me at all unfair.  I received an A-minus from the class...this was almost 20 years many students today could get away with what I did?