Why is it that we have a one-sided civil war with only the left having an effective political movement? Why is it that we elevate subversive voices and politicians on the right who undermine our core values and outcomes? Today, we settle the ultimate debate between my colleague Steve Deace and me: Is it that conservative media voices spew garbage because they know that’s what conservative voters want to hear, similar to the false prophets in the Bible? Or is it that the conservative voters will take whatever they receive from conservative elites, and if we actually had better elites, we can come to the promised land? Steve has decisively come to the conclusion that the people are the problem. He makes a passionate case that although there is evidence conservative elites manipulate unsuspecting followers, DeSantis’ candidacy is the control group on this question. They knew about him and still chose sugar over steak. He believes that even if we had better leaders on the professional Right, a new parallel universe would inevitably develop to offer the people what they want. Because of the Baby Boomers and their lazy desire for comfort and the path of least resistance, we are stuck with them like the Israelites who wandered for 40 years in the desert.   
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Why is it that we have a one-sided civil war with only the left having an effective political movement? Why is it that we elevate subversive voices and politicians on the right who undermine our core values and outcomes? Today, we settle the ultimate debate between my colleague Steve Deace and me: Is it that conservative media voices spew garbage because they know that’s what conservative voters want to hear, similar to the false prophets in the Bible? Or is it that the conservative voters will take whatever they receive from conservative elites, and if we actually had better elites, we can come to the promised land? Steve has decisively come to the conclusion that the people are the problem. He makes a passionate case that although there is evidence conservative elites manipulate unsuspecting followers, DeSantis’ candidacy is the control group on this question. They knew about him and still chose sugar over steak. He believes that even if we had better leaders on the professional Right, a new parallel universe would inevitably develop to offer the people what they want. Because of the Baby Boomers and their lazy desire for comfort and the path of least resistance, we are stuck with them like the Israelites who wandered for 40 years in the desert.   

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