Congress rarely meets on Saturday, but this week was different. Republican leaders joined with every Democrat to sell us out on foreign aid and everything else that is important. I take a sledgehammer to Mike Johnson (R-La.) for using the Bible and Israel to justify his betrayal when, in fact, even the Israel bill is full of provisions that negate Israel’s security and actually help harness anti-Semitism. Next, we’re joined by Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) for a very thorough debriefing on what occurred on Saturday. Massie explains how Johnson insidiously used a veterans’ bill to grease the skids for Schumer to pass the Ukraine agenda. He makes the full case against Johnson and calls upon his colleagues to sign the motion to vacate so that we can force Johnson out and avoid a floor vote. Also, Massie teases out a potential move to the Kentucky state Senate one day and why that is probably a step up from being in Congress. 
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Congress rarely meets on Saturday, but this week was different. Republican leaders joined with every Democrat to sell us out on foreign aid and everything else that is important. I take a sledgehammer to Mike Johnson (R-La.) for using the Bible and Israel to justify his betrayal when, in fact, even the Israel bill is full of provisions that negate Israel’s security and actually help harness anti-Semitism. Next, we’re joined by Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) for a very thorough debriefing on what occurred on Saturday. Massie explains how Johnson insidiously used a veterans’ bill to grease the skids for Schumer to pass the Ukraine agenda. He makes the full case against Johnson and calls upon his colleagues to sign the motion to vacate so that we can force Johnson out and avoid a floor vote. Also, Massie teases out a potential move to the Kentucky state Senate one day and why that is probably a step up from being in Congress. 

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