One of the reasons that Trump-mania is sweeping the nation is that the voting electorate is mad at anyone associated with the federal government. Republicans are not immune to this dissatisfaction, because even with the majority, they are scoring points for the Left, and allowing the Obama administration to get whatever they want.

Since coming back, Congress has done nothing but focus on backwards priorities, all the while ignoring winning 80/20 issues simply because they might have the slightest hint of “SOCIAL” attached to their policy description. Along with the fact that Senate GOP leadership is up to its old tricks again, trying to prevent a way for Sen. Mike Lee from gaining a position on Senate leadership.

Daniel and Joe discuss the top issues that the GOP is focusing on, and the ones that they should actually be concerned with – the ones that most impact the country and should be the focus of the presidential race and Congress’ attention.

Links of Interest:

IRS Giving Tax Credits to Illegals Who've Engaged in Identity Theft

Top 17 Left-Wing Moments of John Kasich’s Endless Political Career

Just In: House Leaders Silence Opposition on Puerto Rico Bankruptcy Bill
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One of the reasons that Trump-mania is sweeping the nation is that the voting electorate is mad at anyone associated with the federal government. Republicans are not immune to this dissatisfaction, because even with the majority, they are scoring points for the Left, and allowing the Obama administration to get whatever they want.

Since coming back, Congress has done nothing but focus on backwards priorities, all the while ignoring winning 80/20 issues simply because they might have the slightest hint of “SOCIAL” attached to their policy description. Along with the fact that Senate GOP leadership is up to its old tricks again, trying to prevent a way for Sen. Mike Lee from gaining a position on Senate leadership.

Daniel and Joe discuss the top issues that the GOP is focusing on, and the ones that they should actually be concerned with – the ones that most impact the country and should be the focus of the presidential race and Congress’ attention.

Links of Interest:

IRS Giving Tax Credits to Illegals Who've Engaged in Identity Theft

Top 17 Left-Wing Moments of John Kasich’s Endless Political Career

Just In: House Leaders Silence Opposition on Puerto Rico Bankruptcy Bill

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