In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, Daniel is joined by Professor John Cochrane of the Hoover Institute, an expert economist on health care policy.  In a refreshing change from the typical inside-Washington health care discussion, Daniel and the professor actually move beyond the false choice of the existing paradigm and envision what a true free market would look like.
Professor Cochrane gives a synopsis of his plan for free markets to deal with pre-existing conditions through the issuance of health-status insurance.  The source of the pre-existing condition problem is government intervention that has boxed out any ability or need for private enterprise to compete for consumer demand.  But if we actually repealed the Obamacare (and some pre-Obamacare) regulations and interventions, we could have health status insurance that would be purchased just like term-life insurance at a very young age to cover any change in health status. 
Show notes: 
Forget about the Washington-speak of “repeal and replace,” here is a true market approach from Professor Cochrane   
Professor Cochrane’s econ blog
Health insurance CEO’s want more subsidies, not free market
20 free market health care ideas
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In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, Daniel is joined by Professor John Cochrane of the Hoover Institute, an expert economist on health care policy.  In a refreshing change from the typical inside-Washington health care discussion, Daniel and the professor actually move beyond the false choice of the existing paradigm and envision what a true free market would look like.

Professor Cochrane gives a synopsis of his plan for free markets to deal with pre-existing conditions through the issuance of health-status insurance.  The source of the pre-existing condition problem is government intervention that has boxed out any ability or need for private enterprise to compete for consumer demand.  But if we actually repealed the Obamacare (and some pre-Obamacare) regulations and interventions, we could have health status insurance that would be purchased just like term-life insurance at a very young age to cover any change in health status. 

Show notes: 

Forget about the Washington-speak of “repeal and replace,” here is a true market approach from Professor Cochrane   

Professor Cochrane’s econ blog

Health insurance CEO’s want more subsidies, not free market

20 free market health care ideas

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