Today, we're joined by state Rep. Barbara Ehardt of the Idaho legislature to discuss the Ninth Circuit’s ruling forcing taxpayer-funded castration surgery on the state prisons. We also discuss the damage this “transgender” movement is causing women in many spheres. Barbara is a former NCAA Division I women's basketball coach and believes that if this movement is allowed to succeed, it will be the end of women’s sports. She also explains how this all begins in the schools and how the Left is successfully pushing its perverted “sex ed” in schools, even in Idaho, without any transparent vote from the legislature. Is there such thing as a red state any more? Barbara explains the challenges of fighting the mobilized Left even in ruby-red Idaho.

Show links

Idaho’s fight with the courts on castration surgery

Murderer in Massachusetts wants state to pay for castration  

Men who claim they are women deface a shelter for battered women!

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Today, we're joined by state Rep. Barbara Ehardt of the Idaho legislature to discuss the Ninth Circuit’s ruling forcing taxpayer-funded castration surgery on the state prisons. We also discuss the damage this “transgender” movement is causing women in many spheres. Barbara is a former NCAA Division I women's basketball coach and believes that if this movement is allowed to succeed, it will be the end of women’s sports. She also explains how this all begins in the schools and how the Left is successfully pushing its perverted “sex ed” in schools, even in Idaho, without any transparent vote from the legislature. Is there such thing as a red state any more? Barbara explains the challenges of fighting the mobilized Left even in ruby-red Idaho.

Show links

Idaho’s fight with the courts on castration surgery

Murderer in Massachusetts wants state to pay for castration  

Men who claim they are women deface a shelter for battered women!

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