Today, I explain why immigration laws are the most foundational responsibility of the federal government, yet these are the only laws it won’t enforce. MANY Americans have been killed as a result of not deporting known criminal aliens. I explore two important cases you will not hear anywhere else in the media or in the political class, but the word needs to get out. 

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Criminal illegal alien who avoided deportation in a CHURCH has now allegedly killed father of five

This criminal alien is accused of smothering 19 elderly victims to death. He should have been deported long ago

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Today, I explain why immigration laws are the most foundational responsibility of the federal government, yet these are the only laws it won’t enforce. MANY Americans have been killed as a result of not deporting known criminal aliens. I explore two important cases you will not hear anywhere else in the media or in the political class, but the word needs to get out. 

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Criminal illegal alien who avoided deportation in a CHURCH has now allegedly killed father of five

This criminal alien is accused of smothering 19 elderly victims to death. He should have been deported long ago

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