Talk about just desserts! A conservative, one who could actually make frustrated voters in both parties proud, is running as a Democrat against a RINO who loves rubber stamping Democrat policies.  Live by the Democrats, die by a Democrat!
Art Halvorson, a career Coast Guard Captain and businessman, was able to get on the ballot as a Democrat to challenge Rep. Bill Shuster (R-PA) in Pennsylvania’s 9th District.  After coming within 1,000 votes of knocking off the corrupt Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in the Republican primary, a number of Democrat voters wrote in Art’s name for the Democrat nomination (no candidate filed to run as a Democrat in this heavily conservative district).  Thanks to Pennsylvania law, Halvorson was able to get on the ballot as a Democrat, even though he is challenging Shuster from the right.
In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, Art and Daniel discuss the fresh opportunity, unencumbered by party ID, to reach all voters with common sense ideas packaged in a candidate who lives the life of a conservative.  Could this set the tone for the next few years and demonstrate how conservatives can forge a new path ahead without the baggage of the comatose Republican Party.  You won’t want to miss this episode with a candidate who is not only a true conservative but a refreshing servant of the people.  You won’t believe what Art does at the end of the episode – not something you typically hear from a congressional candidate in a general election!  
Show links
Immigration lunacy: DOJ seeks to prosecute Sheriff Arpaio for enforcing federal immigration law
Why conservatives will need a new party if/when Hillary wins
Daniel’s interview with Joe Miller, the other candidate running not on the GOP party line
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Talk about just desserts! A conservative, one who could actually make frustrated voters in both parties proud, is running as a Democrat against a RINO who loves rubber stamping Democrat policies.  Live by the Democrats, die by a Democrat!

Art Halvorson, a career Coast Guard Captain and businessman, was able to get on the ballot as a Democrat to challenge Rep. Bill Shuster (R-PA) in Pennsylvania’s 9th District.  After coming within 1,000 votes of knocking off the corrupt Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in the Republican primary, a number of Democrat voters wrote in Art’s name for the Democrat nomination (no candidate filed to run as a Democrat in this heavily conservative district).  Thanks to Pennsylvania law, Halvorson was able to get on the ballot as a Democrat, even though he is challenging Shuster from the right.

In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, Art and Daniel discuss the fresh opportunity, unencumbered by party ID, to reach all voters with common sense ideas packaged in a candidate who lives the life of a conservative.  Could this set the tone for the next few years and demonstrate how conservatives can forge a new path ahead without the baggage of the comatose Republican Party.  You won’t want to miss this episode with a candidate who is not only a true conservative but a refreshing servant of the people.  You won’t believe what Art does at the end of the episode – not something you typically hear from a congressional candidate in a general election!  

Show links

Immigration lunacy: DOJ seeks to prosecute Sheriff Arpaio for enforcing federal immigration law

Why conservatives will need a new party if/when Hillary wins Daniel’s interview with Joe Miller, the other candidate running not on the GOP party line


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