Call this the budding creation of “hawks against stupid interventions.” Jordan Schachtel, national security correspondent for CR, joins us for a deep dive into foreign policy and defense strategy. Be prepared to be educated, as we pack endless information into the show to demonstrate how our foreign policy priorities are backwards and contradictory.

We delve into Africa, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey, Iran, and Afghanistan. For far too long, the foreign policy establishment has offered us false dichotomies on strategy and alliances. It’s time to finally define a conservative “America First” foreign policy.

Of course, national security begins with homeland security, and securing Mexico should be our biggest priority, yet it is not cool in foreign policy circles to discuss anything that doesn’t involve an aimless Islamic civil war.       

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Dos and dont's in the Middle East

Support Attorneys United for a Secure America

Catch-and-release and sanctuaries fueling drugs, Middle Eastern migrants, and border violence

U.S. sending special forces and weapons to … Hezbollah! … while we fight Assad

Welcome to the new ISIS from the same Sunni insurgency we keep battling and then helping
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Call this the budding creation of “hawks against stupid interventions.” Jordan Schachtel, national security correspondent for CR, joins us for a deep dive into foreign policy and defense strategy. Be prepared to be educated, as we pack endless information into the show to demonstrate how our foreign policy priorities are backwards and contradictory.

We delve into Africa, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey, Iran, and Afghanistan. For far too long, the foreign policy establishment has offered us false dichotomies on strategy and alliances. It’s time to finally define a conservative “America First” foreign policy.

Of course, national security begins with homeland security, and securing Mexico should be our biggest priority, yet it is not cool in foreign policy circles to discuss anything that doesn’t involve an aimless Islamic civil war.       

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Dos and dont's in the Middle East

Support Attorneys United for a Secure America

Catch-and-release and sanctuaries fueling drugs, Middle Eastern migrants, and border violence

U.S. sending special forces and weapons to … Hezbollah! … while we fight Assad

Welcome to the new ISIS from the same Sunni insurgency we keep battling and then helping

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