This is the most important battle of our time. This is the Ezekiel 22:30 moment to stand in the breach and build the wall around parental rights. I use Wyoming as an example of how the public health cartel is trying to shield children’s medical records from parents so that the children can be groomed with vaccines, abortions, and castrations without parental consent. Later on, we are joined by former New Hampshire state Rep. Melissa Blasek, who is warning about the COVID grant program that has created school-based health clinics. Schools are now setting up permanent clinics with surgery and prescribing capabilities. It’s quite evident that they are trying to medically groom children with these clinics. We must get red states to immediately reject this program as part of a broader effort to preserve parental rights.
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This is the most important battle of our time. This is the Ezekiel 22:30 moment to stand in the breach and build the wall around parental rights. I use Wyoming as an example of how the public health cartel is trying to shield children’s medical records from parents so that the children can be groomed with vaccines, abortions, and castrations without parental consent. Later on, we are joined by former New Hampshire state Rep. Melissa Blasek, who is warning about the COVID grant program that has created school-based health clinics. Schools are now setting up permanent clinics with surgery and prescribing capabilities. It’s quite evident that they are trying to medically groom children with these clinics. We must get red states to immediately reject this program as part of a broader effort to preserve parental rights.

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