Previous Episode: CCM- 015 Suffer the Children
Next Episode: CCM017- Den of Vipers

Today on the Conservative Christian
Movement, I’m making a change versus
what I planned from my last Episode. 
Instead of the planned topics, I am choosing to summarize the State of the Union speech from February 5.  I’ll do so in a way most other commentators are
not; by building the Democrat party
platform for 2020 based on their reaction
to the president’s comments in the State of the Union.  I’ll get back to business as usual next
week…  Welcome back to the Conservative
Christian Movement Podcast.  This episode
was recorded February 8, 2019.  I am Jeff
Stipe, your host.

Let’s get started.

verse of the Day:

Proverbs 29:2 (NIV)

“When the righteous thrive, the people
rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.”

This is perhaps the most applicable verse when considering Christian participation in politics.  The founding fathers preferred righteous leadership over wicked rule, which was so prevalent
in their struggle for independence.  I
talked at length about this in episode 2 (A Journey to a New World).

Our nation struggles today with a shifting
away from simple Biblical principles which were woven into our Constitution
willfully by framers who believed not only in the infallible Word of God, but
the positive influence in both our individual walk and our nations standing in
the world.  

Slowly, over time, Liberals have loaded
the courts to speed the separation of Church from the state, something never
intended before.  In each of the Seven
Mountains mentioned in episode 1 (Change the world).  These are Religion, Family,
Education, Government, Media, Arts &
Entertainment and Business.  Liberals (of
which Republicans are often a part), amplify
sin to normalize it and desensitize
you to it though these 7 mountains.

The ultimate goal is to minimize YOUR
impact as a Christian for the good, while making sin an acceptable and expected
normal occurrence.

And now, my take on the Democrat
Progressives reaction to President Trump. 

of the Union

This week, President Trump gave his State
of the Union address to a joint session of Congress.  As is usually the case, he made statements,
some cheered, others jeered.  I’ve heard
many critiques of the speech and of the Democrat reaction to those
statements.  To which I thought, their
reaction signifies their beliefs and ultimately their party platform.

I will preface this statement by stating
openly, the Democrat party HATES President Trump.  They hated from the start, the plan he put
out as a candidate and the steps he has taken to “Drain the Swamp” in DC.  But I digress…

The president put forth his message in
hopes of unifying the un-unifiable.  Hi
message spanned the gamut of “Can’t we all just get along” to wow, our nation
is in great shape.  There was little
patting himself on the back.  Honestly
the year has been a pretty good year for our country and is set to continue for
the near future.

It wasn’t all bad.  I’ll start with the glimmer of hope which has
already faded out to nothingness.

It seems we can all get along with
Birthdays, women in the workplace and economic development for women in foreign
countries.  We saw the house chamber
erupt into Happy Birthday (a first ever) and a unified “U-S-A” chant another
possible first. 

Additional points of agreement came with
praise for HIV/Aids and childhood cancer efforts and calls for additional
research for both.

The elation came quickly and eroded with
the next sentence.

The actual 2016 Democrat Platform is
linked in the show notes for your enjoyment. 
Please keep in mind, this is my interpretation of a progressive
mindset.  It was painful to write and I
DO NOT BELIEVE ANY OF IT to be a legitimate help to our great nation.

Ruling the Nation as two Parties Rather than One Nation

We cannot and will not be seen as working with
Republican lawmakers under any circumstances.  In order to increase our anti-Biblical, anti-Semitic, lawless and free-giving policies,

Today on the Conservative Christian

Movement, I’m making a change versus

what I planned from my last Episode. 

Instead of the planned topics, I am choosing to summarize the State of the Union speech from February 5.  I’ll do so in a way most other commentators are

not; by building the Democrat party

platform for 2020 based on their reaction

to the president’s comments in the State of the Union.  I’ll get back to business as usual next

week…  Welcome back to the Conservative

Christian Movement Podcast.  This episode

was recorded February 8, 2019.  I am Jeff

Stipe, your host.

Let’s get started.


verse of the Day:

Proverbs 29:2 (NIV)

“When the righteous thrive, the people

rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.”

This is perhaps the most applicable verse when considering Christian participation in politics.  The founding fathers preferred righteous leadership over wicked rule, which was so prevalent

in their struggle for independence.  I

talked at length about this in episode 2 (A Journey to a New World).

Our nation struggles today with a shifting

away from simple Biblical principles which were woven into our Constitution

willfully by framers who believed not only in the infallible Word of God, but

the positive influence in both our individual walk and our nations standing in

the world.  

Slowly, over time, Liberals have loaded

the courts to speed the separation of Church from the state, something never

intended before.  In each of the Seven

Mountains mentioned in episode 1 (Change the world).  These are Religion, Family,

Education, Government, Media, Arts &

Entertainment and Business.  Liberals (of

which Republicans are often a part), amplify

sin to normalize it and desensitize

you to it though these 7 mountains.

The ultimate goal is to minimize YOUR

impact as a Christian for the good, while making sin an acceptable and expected

normal occurrence.

And now, my take on the Democrat

Progressives reaction to President Trump. 


of the Union

This week, President Trump gave his State

of the Union address to a joint session of Congress.  As is usually the case, he made statements,

some cheered, others jeered.  I’ve heard

many critiques of the speech and of the Democrat reaction to those

statements.  To which I thought, their

reaction signifies their beliefs and ultimately their party platform.

I will preface this statement by stating

openly, the Democrat party HATES President Trump.  They hated from the start, the plan he put

out as a candidate and the steps he has taken to “Drain the Swamp” in DC.  But I digress…

The president put forth his message in

hopes of unifying the un-unifiable.  Hi

message spanned the gamut of “Can’t we all just get along” to wow, our nation

is in great shape.  There was little

patting himself on the back.  Honestly

the year has been a pretty good year for our country and is set to continue for

the near future.

It wasn’t all bad.  I’ll start with the glimmer of hope which has

already faded out to nothingness.

It seems we can all get along with

Birthdays, women in the workplace and economic development for women in foreign

countries.  We saw the house chamber

erupt into Happy Birthday (a first ever) and a unified “U-S-A” chant another

possible first. 

Additional points of agreement came with

praise for HIV/Aids and childhood cancer efforts and calls for additional

research for both.

The elation came quickly and eroded with

the next sentence.

The actual 2016 Democrat Platform is

linked in the show notes for your enjoyment. 

Please keep in mind, this is my interpretation of a progressive

mindset.  It was painful to write and I

DO NOT BELIEVE ANY OF IT to be a legitimate help to our great nation.

Ruling the Nation as two Parties Rather than One Nation

We cannot and will not be seen as working with

Republican lawmakers under any circumstances.  In order to increase our anti-Biblical, anti-Semitic, lawless and free-giving policies, we

reject the offer to work together for the common good of this nation.  We reject

the opportunities to seek common ground, work to provide a legislative

environment which allow free people to determine their own path forward and

will at every turn fight with fervor any

attempt to see this nation as a Christian Nation.

Victory is not winning as a nation, it is

winning at all costs for our party.


a Safer, More Prosperous America—Our Way, not Theirs


nation continues to struggle with mass shootings, gun killings, danger in our

schools and racism at all levels of power. 

Choices which leave our world in danger through climate changes,

economic disparity and tax cuts for the rich, leave us bitter and angry.

We reject

any and all attempts to utilize capitalism, trickle-down economics and free markets to promote a so-called

better America.  Capitalism is

incompatible with our ideal environment and cannot be supported in any

way.  We must find alternatives to

Capitalism by any means, to include increasing liberal members of congress,

loaded courts and a complicit media.

Politics of cooperation, compromise and

the common good cannot be allowed to be spoken in public for the good of our

cause.   We must keep stalemate,

divisions, wounds, gridlock, resistance, vengeance and pointless destruction or

we will not win in 2020.  Only with a

Democrat president, can we achieve our type of greatness.


and Trade

We must continue to ignore the good news

in our economy.  At any chance we as

Democrats must speak of negative news, forgoing truth in an effort to turn the

American people further from President Trump and toward the Darkness of

Democrat policies.

We reject the premise that all Americans

can pull themselves out of the gutter without government assistance.  We stand firmly against the president and his

claim of removing citizens from welfare rolls. 

Citizens simply must remain in our grasp and under our power with

economic coercion.

A growing economy under a Republican

president is simply unacceptable. 

Unemployment at its lowest rate in a century does nothing to promote our

cause.  Low African, Hispanic and Asian

American unemployment levels are a threat to our voter base.  Overall unemployment is a necessity to keep American

beholden to our power structure and must be reversed.

Tax cuts for working families must be

repealed at all costs.  The estate or

death tax takes money from our treasury which is ours not theirs and must be

reinstated.  The Obamacare mandate must

be reinstated.

Dark economic policies must be restored or

our voter base will see the light and will no longer be dependent on our

giving.  The Jobs numbers, which are

coming out of government policies, consumer confidence and business conditions

are a threat to us all.

We support any actions which usher in

socialism and its tenants which run contrary to our current economic system.

We simply cannot let facts get in the way

or our agenda.


and Environment

Across our nation we see energy usage at

an all-time high.  Pipelines are in the

works creating a risk to our environment. 

Climate change is having an increasing risk to our people through

extreme weather. 

A Democrat Utopia will minimize use of fossil

fuels in spite of the economic hardship it would impose.  We must stop policies which make America a

net exporter of energy.  The Green New

Deal must be put in place so that we can control big business, redistribute

wealth and further degrade our place in the international energy market.

We Democrats must continue to build on Al

Gore’s work and press on for global climate change regulations, eliminate the

combustion engine, regulate cow flatulence and otherwise control our citizens

use of energy.


and Veterans

Our military is a necessary evil which the

American people will never allow to be removed. 

However, we should always fight to ensure the military is contained a

minimized on the world stage.  It should

never be allowed to force our beliefs on other nations.  We must use every tool to ensure we do not

outspend our adversaries and find ourselves

We must undo the right of the government

to fire bad VA workers.  This is

incompatible with our desire to unionize and empower blocks of workers to

overpower their employers.

It is absolutely wrong on our part to

force NATO allies to pay their fair share for common defense.  In our view, NATO should be eliminated.




act cannot be left in place.  It was

enacted under a Republican president. 

This stands against our notion of President Trump being racist.  The narrative of Republicans being racist

will protect our power over minority voters. 

Though we agree in principle and largely support this, it must be

replaced with a law signed by a Democrat president.


The fight to build a wall, keeping people

out of our country will not work and must not stand.  We must continue to allow the border crisis

which will provide much needed infusion of illegal immigration and future

Democrat voters.  Coyotes, Human Traffickers

and drug cartels have a right to succeed. 

We cannot build a wall on our border. 

The caravans coming to our border place this narrative front and

center.  We must keep the pressure on

these people to keep marching and put ICE in a position to make news of a

negative nature.


simply must be castigated, called thugs and ultimately disassembled as a force

for protecting our border.

Democrats must keep the narrative of

immigrants being good people and fight the truth by ignoring negative news on a

national front.  We want immigrant to

come here illegally and must fight for laws which allow them to vote as we know

they will vote Democrat, the party to give them financial security.

The narrative stating “Walls don’t work”

must continue and be intensified.  Any

effort to erect a wall, fence or other structure must be defeated.



We Democrats must hold fast to the stalemate preventing the confirmation of judicial

nominations.  A conservative

president will always pick individuals counter to our plans.  As best we can, we must delay and obstruct in hopes of winning in 2020, when we can open

the flood gates on activists’ judges who will do the bidding and carry our

water wherever possible.


Care and Abortion


and Roe V Wade is under constant assault by the Christian Right.  Recent wins in New York have further cemented

a woman’s right to abortion as healthcare. 

Efforts to give protection to any unborn fetus continue.  Funding of Planned Parenthood face heavy

assault across the nation.

Let us at every turn fight the rhetoric

which provides the graphic evidence of what occurs during late term abortion.  We believe a fetus is not a child and cannot

be afforded the rights of a human until it is alive outside the womb.

We support a woman’s choice to terminate

her pregnancy for any reason through any means necessary.  We also desire to version of the world would

make cost of health care painful.  This

pain will usher in the desire on the part of our citizens to force a government

led solution, single payer and universal healthcare for all.

We Democrats stand in solidarity with

Planned Parenthood

It wouldn’t be right to trash the Democrat

reaction to President Trump without revisiting the purpose of this

podcast.  My hope is to get you off the

couch, along with your friends and family go to the polls and vote.  When people who believe as these people do

are known, we owe it to our nation to share and prevent them from ever taking

office.  We need integrity, morality,

sincerity, honesty and selfless service. 

What a concept.  People who act on

Biblical beliefs are more likely to exhibit these traits than are not Christians.


Embarrassments of the State of the Union

Bernie Sanders: for slouching in his seat

the whole night, looking on with anger as Socialism is banned from our future.

Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez: for standing on

occasion with her hands crossed, working hard to ignore the good news, looking

sour for most of the speech and mumbling along the way.

Nancy Pelosi: for having that sucking on a

pickle look (not my own description but appropriate nonetheless).  For controlling her crazy base with orders of

when to stand, when to site, when to clap and when to cheer (or jeer).

Last week, I asked the question “Would you

be interested in movie reviews, both Christian and Secular, in a Conservative

Christian perspective.”  The feedback was

mixed.  My interpretation, the data

suggest you would be well served with a brief, paragraph sized comment with a

simple review and recommendation.  My

scale will be a 1 to 5.


I hadn’t

see again

it or Leave it

see it again

to own it

Question of the week: How involved should Christianity

be in a party platform?

Getting back to what I originally planned, In the next

episode I’ll introduce Frank Stephens

and his comments to Congress regarding abortion.  I’ll introduce the known Democrat party candidates for 2020; continue the discussion

of Kasich/Beagle, supposed Pro-Life organizations and the failure of Ohio’s

Heartbeat Bill and present evidence for the left’s continue assault on

Christian through education.


Verse of the Day:

Episode 0: The Conservative Christian Movement Podcast

Episode 1: Let Us Change the World

Episode 2: A Journey to a New World

Democrat 2016 Party Platform