In this episode, special guest and author Mo Gawdat, chats with Dr Tony Nader about Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness.
Rather than thinking of the creation of an intelligent machine as just a machine, consider it more like the birthing of a child - one that is a conscious being, fully capable of consciousness, emotions, morality, and an ethical code.
Will the best way for us to coexist with that machine or “digital being” be to appeal to their consciousness and morality rather than to try and control their thoughts or behaviors?
Mo and Dr Nader discuss the placing of our own consciousness into these digital beings —without considering what the level of consciousness is— and whether it brings certain biases, and egoistic perspectives that only consider actions from an individualistic level.

Mo Gawdat is the former Chief Business Officer of Google [X], and was involved with Google’s ‘moonshot factory’ that works on the world’s most futuristic technologies, including Artificial Intelligence. He’s an international bestselling author and saw great success with his first book "Solve for Happy," and has recently released his second book, "Scary Smart." Mo currently hosts the chart-topping Podcast "Slo-Mo" focused on the pursuit of purpose in our lives.

What We Discuss with Mo:

00:00 Intro
02:29 Living two lives: Mo’s Journey
06:43 A big debate about what consciousness is and where it comes from
07:02 Is the machine conscious?
07:48 Machines will be a billion times smarter than us
08:35 Are we making a machine or birthing a child that is a conscious being?
09:25 The importance of raising our own consciousness while mastering the machines
11:17 Are we putting our consciousness into the machines?
13:23 The three stages of the machine: infants, teenagers, and beyond
19:04 Each of us are matter
21:14 How to get to the managing intelligence, which manages the entire universe.
23:39 We are the same but different.
30:06 How to know the true meaning of Know thyself by transcending.
33:09 Creating one billion happy people
42:48 Teaching the AI teenager about love and happiness
46:35 What is it that makes us happy?
52:15 Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder
55:25 Opening our eyes to a totally new side of what consciousness is

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