The conventional wisdom of business and marketing is to always make data-driven decisions and take action based on what those numbers tell us. For spiritual entrepreneurs, it’s intuition that truly drives us in business and leads us to make an impact. 


Intuition can fit into our business strategies without watering down our effectiveness. 


That’s because there’s always something bigger at play behind what we do, a message the Universe wants us to channel, and a purpose that exceeds the data. That message and that purpose also transcends some of the limitations we place on ourselves, like who hears our message and how we share it. 


Working with the masses doesn’t have to take away from our purpose and our mission, it can in fact strengthen and reinforce them. 


Why do corporate entities and the people who work for them need us so much? How does intuition play into the running of our businesses as spiritual entrepreneurs? 


In this episode, I’m joined by author, thought leader and sought-after speaker, Mike Robbins. He shares what it will take for us to reach a critical mass of consciousness, and why that’s impossible without reaching the masses.



3 Things We Learned From This Episode


- Why ads alone can’t take our message to a wide audience 
Before we can use ads to reach more people, we need to have authenticity, connectedness and be already building deep relationships with people. Ads cannot amplify what isn’t there, and there’s no shortcut to resonating with people. It starts with being genuine. 


- How to take our messages to corporates without guilt 
It’s common for spiritual entrepreneurs to be uncomfortable bringing their message and their gifts to a corporate audience because we feel like we’re selling out. The truth is, while there are a lot of dark forces at play in the corporate world, there’s a lot of good people who need our gifts too. Our purpose is to connect with humans, and humans also work in those companies. 


- The importance of reaching the masses 
Many of us think it’s bad to take our messages mainstream. But in order to shift out of tyranny and division, and to defeat the oppressiveness, we need a critical mass of people who are awake and connected. It’s impossible to drive the awakening if we don’t provide our message in its purest and most potent form. 

Guest Bio 


Mike Robbins is a thought leader and sought-after speaker and author of five books, including, Bring Your Whole Self to Work and We’re All in This Together. He delivers keynotes and seminars that empower people, leaders, teams, and organizations to be more successful, appreciative, and authentic.


Prior to his current work, Mike played baseball at Stanford and then professionally with the Kansas City Royals. After his athletic career was cut short by injuries, he worked in the tech world, before starting his consulting business in 2001. His clients include Google, Wells Fargo, eBay, Gap, Microsoft, and others. 

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