In this new paradigm, there’s an increased demand for our work. Using this opportunity to create a collective awakening of consciousness, we can increase the impact of the vibration of love around us, and create a bigger space for our work to be received.


At the same time, the financial realities of this time can make it very hard for us to feel good about charging money for what we do. The truth is, charging for what we do is not about money, it’s about supporting the gifts that are changing the world.


How do we overcome the limiting beliefs around self-promotion and monetization? How do we create a global assembly of peace? In this episode, spiritual teacher, empathic healer and best-selling author, Matt Kahn talks about his journey and owning his gift.



3 Things You’ll Love in This Episode

How individual consciousness can change the entire world
The goals that awakening lightworkers like Matt aim to manifest isn’t just individual transformation. It also aims to usher in a community-based consciousness so we can assemble around something positive and truly energy shifting.


Matt’s advice to spiritual entrepreneurs and creators who feel guilty charging for what they do
When we know we’ve been divinely appointed by spirit to bring a message through to the world, it is important for us to overcome the lack of belief that people should be paying us for it. For people to truly receive our gifts, we need to believe in their value and importance.


Why peace matters
When we try and actively fight against negative energy, we will get sucked into antagonism. Unconsciousness and negativity can unravel themselves if we hold onto the light and allow the revelation to occur. Peace is a powerful way for us to bring light into the world.



Guest Bio 

Matt Kahn is a spiritual teacher, empathic healer and the best-selling author of Whatever Arises, Love That and Everything is Here to Help You. He has become a YouTube sensation with his healing and often humorous videos. 


His more than 16 million YouTube channel viewers are finding the support they seek to feel more love, awakened, and opened to the greatest possibilities in life through the invitation to join the "Love Revolution That Begins with You." 

For more information, visit