Social media has been called many things: toxic, shallow, nefarious, and a tool of the oppressors. Because of these connotations, spiritual entrepreneurs often struggle with social media and are hesitant to use it to share their nourishing messages. 


The truth is, sharing our message is a responsibility, and we need to be where the masses are. Social media can be a powerful megaphone for the truth, and a path to changing lives. 


Social media may be a flawed medium packed with negativity, but using it to help other people awaken is also an act of power and positivity. 


The world needs to hear things that inspire, both intellectually and spiritually. If Source has given us such a message, it needs to be shared. We have to use what’s available to us to get the word out. Social media doesn’t have to work against us, it can work for the cause.


How did our guest overcome her resistance to using social media? How do we find the sacred in the everyday mundane? In this episode, I’m joined by pioneering spiritual teacher and one of America’s first public Wiccan Priestesses, Phyllis Curott. We talk about how to reconnect with the sacred, and why social media isn’t the enemy. 


3 Things We Learned From This Episode


- Why humanity is in crisis

The cataclysm humanity is experiencing right now was created by our separation from the sacred. Our relationship with the planet is one of control and consumption and not of harmony. As a result, we’ve destroyed the very thing that gives us life and sustenance. We have to come back into the right relationship with the planet to restore order. 


- How the power of our message attracts people into our world 

Being true to our message and the gift we’ve been given to share, steers the ship for us. It drives us towards people who will resonate with us, and people who can help us with getting the message out. 


- Why the sacred is the key to lasting change

Fear cannot drive lasting and positive change. If we’re fueled by fear, we’ll quickly get burnt out and exhausted. The only thing that can change us while nourishing and rejuvenating us is tapping back into the sacred.


Guest Bio 


Phyllis Curott is a pioneering spiritual teacher and one of America’s first public Wiccan Priestesses. She is an attorney and outspoken advocate in the courts and media on behalf of Pagans, Wiccans and other religious minorities and is also the internationally bestselling author of Book of Shadows: A Modern Woman’s Journey into the Wisdom of Witchcraft and the Magic of the Goddess (Broadway Books 1998), WitchCrafting: A Spiritual Guide to Making Magic (Broadway Books 2001) and The Love Spell (Gotham/ Penguin 2005).


For more information and to learn more about her programs visits

Follow @phylliscurott on Instagram, find her on and


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