When you’re in alignment with the Universe you learn that there’s duality everywhere in this world, even in our own businesses. Alignment comes from finding our center within these opposing forces. Finding that balance is a spiritual practice all of its own. 


We channel soul and heart-driven messages but we also use systems to scale them and allow them to reach more people. Our businesses require both intuitive feminine energy and execution-driven masculine energy to grow. 


As spiritual entrepreneurs, we can fall into the trap of thinking every part of running our business will always feel good and just flow naturally. But another type of balance we need is not only doing what feels positive but also committing to the parts that require more work and grit.


How do we find the balance in our businesses so we’re always coming from an authentic place but still taking action? How do we overcome fear and give our businesses the space to grow and evolve? 


In this episode, I’m joined by entrepreneur author, and founder of The Make It Show, Jenna Herbut as she talks about balance, routine and duality in business. 

3 Things We Learned From This Episode

- Why it’s normal for some parts of our businesses to feel more challenging 

Things feeling good shouldn’t be the only barometer in our business because this mindset can hamper action and ultimately growth. If we wait to only take action when things feel good, we won’t get anything done. Sometimes we’ll have to do things that aren’t in our comfort zone, and it won’t always flow or feel like it’s in alignment at first. 


- How to build in systems to sustain the effectiveness of what we create

When we are deeply aligned with what we’re doing and coming from a genuine place, it shows. It’s an attractive and effervescent force that makes people want to get on board. We can’t always create content from this place, and that’s where we need to have systems like Facebook ads or books that capture that magic for eternity.


- Why channeling requires us to get out of the way of the message

When we’re running a truly channeled business that’s in service to humanity, the most important part is our message. We serve more when we focus on what people actually need and what touches as many of them as possible.



Guest Bio 

Jenna Herbut is a serial entrepreneur, speaker, author, and the founder of the Make It Show, one of the biggest craft shows in Canada. 

For more information, visit http://jennaherbut.com/ and http://makeitshow.ca/ or follow @jennaherbut.