There’s a lot of scepticism about Facebook and Instagram ads, and whether the platforms can really help us reach more people, make an impact and do our part to change the world. Why are Facebook and Instagram ads such a huge deal for reaching a wider audience? How can we really resonate with people in a meaningful way? Welcome to Conscious Conversion, where we will share how you can leverage Facebook and Instagram in your personal mission to change the world.

3 Things We Learned From This Episode

Facebook and Instagram are key to making an impact online

There are over 7 billion people on this planet. Over 2 billion of those people are on Facebook and Instagram, and that’s 30% of the world’s population. Find and connect with those people who would love you if they knew you.


Facebook and Instagram ads have the highest ROI right now

If we want to get a solid ROI, we need to reach an online audience who are interested and excited about what we offer. Facebook and Instagram are the best way to find and connect with these people.


We have to channel the right message for people to resonate with us

If we want to reach the people who would love to buy what we have to offer, we have to speak emphatically to their hearts and souls. When we show up in their news feed, it has to resonate with them upon impact.