In episode 290, Kestrel welcomes Samata Pattinson, the CEO of RCGD Global, to the show. A women-led global change-making organization, RCGD Global is bringing environmental and social sustainability to the forefront of conversation and action within the global apparel and design industry. 

“All I really want to be part of is helping other people see where they fit in this. And helping them to identify something that means something to them. It could be any of the things we talk about — it could be climate on a specific realm, it could be biodiversity through a specific realm, it could be women’s rights, it could be advocating for Indigenous or Black representation. It could be any of those things, but it’s almost like — let me try and help you see how you form a way of being in this conversation.” -Samata

Have you ever heard of the term generative conversation? It’s a newer concept for myself and it’s one that this week’s guest reminds us of.

On a basic level – generative conversations are conversations that involve genuine inquiry and sharing. They are conversations in which we engage in deep listening. They are conversations in which we feel truly heard and nourished – they involve a space where respect and trust are cultivated. And through generative conversations, they allow the possibility for expanded understandings and the discoveries of shared meaning.

In order to truly quote unquote *move the needle* in the sustainability and fashion space, these types of conversations are mandatory. As this week’s guest reminds us, when we talk about sustainability, we have to lead with questions … not our individual agenda. Questions welcome an openness to learning and sharing. And they help avoid the critical tone that can easily sneak its way into these discussions.

Because remember – how we have the conversation influences where the conversation goes. 

Thoughtful communication is so KEY for this week’s guest. As the CEO of a global change-making organization, she is navigating storytelling with notable talent across a massive platform – the Red Carpet at the Oscars.

This year, she wrote the first ever Oscars Sustainable Dress code, that went out to every single attendee of this year’s event. Imagine condensing the many layers of sustainability and fashion into one document – she shares how she did it.

I love how she welcomes a constant expansion in the sustainability narrative, and never loses sight of a key ingredient: hope.

Quotes & links from the conversation:

RCGD Global Sustainable Style Guide

“We do say we want representation, we want these varied voices, but we don’t talk about how much more interesting the conversation is, how much more enlightening the conversation is. The same way we will say — oh, you know, we have Indigenous communities protecting 80 percent of our biodiversity, but what we don’t say is like but they protect it better. Comparatively, like 30-40-50 percent better growth biodiversity of fauna and flora. So, it’s not just saying like, this should exist — it’s saying it’s more interesting, it’s more expertise, it’s more engaging, why aren’t we doing more of it?” -Samata (30:22)

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