In today’s episode we talk about the natural law of expansion and I’ll challenge you to think about how you view growth. Do you see growing and learning as exciting or as a necessary evil? You’ll learn 3 Truths about personal growth and entrepreneurship that you’ve likely never thought of before. And you’ll learn 5 ways to use your personal GROWTH as an accelerator to grow your business. So get out of your head, into your heart and let’s show some love for personal growth! Here are 5 tips on how to use your personal GROWTH as an accelerator to grow your business:

Expect growth to be continuous 2. Don’t expect everything to go according to plan 3. Remember that Everyone else is doing it 4. Acknowledge your Growth
See personal growth as an opportunity for strategic business growth

Tweetables & Gems: “Wherever you go, there you are” “Every relationship is an assignment” “Perfect is an illusion, not a destination” “You can’t stop the waves, BUT you can learn to surf” Jon Kabat-Zinn

Inspiration: “The Vortex” by Jerry and Ester Hicks.