Steve Head is a global inspirational speaker, trainer and coach, much of his work is with the NHS in the UK helping leaders to be better and to achieve better results. But, unknown to many, for the past ten years he has also been a performance coach for the World Cup winning wheelchair Rugby League team. Steve tells Andy Lopata the story of how he helped the team to perform at their best. In a diverse team of male and female, able and disabled players, motivation was already strongly present. The mindset needed focus, calm and most important, values that everyone in the team accepted. Steve shares the important case study of how these values were set by the team themselves and became the inspiration and support for them all. The result was the total connectivity of the team, constantly reinforcing their values.
There is no reason why these principles could not be used in the corporate world.

Steve Head is a global inspirational speaker, trainer and coach, much of his work is with the NHS in the UK helping leaders to be better and to achieve better results. But, unknown to many, for the past ten years he has also been a performance coach for the World Cup winning wheelchair Rugby League team. Steve tells Andy Lopata the story of how he helped the team to perform at their best. In a diverse team of male and female, able and disabled players, motivation was already strongly present. The mindset needed focus, calm and most important, values that everyone in the team accepted. Steve shares the important case study of how these values were set by the team themselves and became the inspiration and support for them all. The result was the total connectivity of the team, constantly reinforcing their values.

There is no reason why these principles could not be used in the corporate world.