Looking at relationships between leaders and their teams and between employees, Andy Lopata questions Scott Friedman and Paul ter Wal on their theories of employee engagement. They both believe that if leaders ensure their employees have fun and enjoy their time at work, they will perform better and produce better results. Objectives and core values need to be defined and employees held accountable.  Changes in the workplace including hybrid working means that leaders have to listen and then act in response to what employees are looking for now. Mental health and wellness have become important issues since Covid.  With the move from a command and control model of leadership, empathy is now 90% of a leader's skill.

Looking at relationships between leaders and their teams and between employees, Andy Lopata questions Scott Friedman and Paul ter Wal on their theories of employee engagement. They both believe that if leaders ensure their employees have fun and enjoy their time at work, they will perform better and produce better results. Objectives and core values need to be defined and employees held accountable.  Changes in the workplace including hybrid working means that leaders have to listen and then act in response to what employees are looking for now. Mental health and wellness have become important issues since Covid.  With the move from a command and control model of leadership, empathy is now 90% of a leader's skill.