In an enjoyable 150th edition of The Connected Leadership Podcast, Andy Lopata's guest is comedian Athena Kugblenu. Athena makes regular appearances on the UK circuit and at comedy festivals and has a Radio 4 show Athena's Cancel Culture. Andy and Athena start by discussing the fact that one of the greatest fears is speaking in public, and stand-up comedy is a real challenge. But, Athena believes most important is to be likeable, otherwise you can't make people laugh. Andy asks Athena how she managed the change from a business career to a creative one. Endorsement from others was important and having the tools to adapt material if necessary for different audiences without deviating from her core USP. Her improv skills, mean she is able to respond quickly and are also useful tools in business. Athena talks about managing hecklers and dealing with corporate audiences. Finally they discuss being an introvert off stage, the need for your own quiet space and how generally, comedians are a supportive and appreciative family.