In a fascinating conversation, Andy Lopata explores the concept of Imposter Syndrome with Caroline Flanagan and Sanja Rahman. The belief that any success you have, where you are now, is all down to luck and not your own ability. The fear of being exposed as the fraud you think you are. Sanja takes this a step further seeing the Imposter Monster, the inner critic appearing at important moments in career growth. To overcome this you need reminders (receipts) of success and a support network. Imposter Syndrome is more destructive than self-doubt. Caroline and Sanja have both experienced being women of colour in a white corporate world and found the turning point is belief in yourself; when you go from being the only one in the room, to being the first in the room. Imposter Syndrome doesn't go away, but you find tools to manage it. Leaders need to recognize the struggle and encourage the conversation in order to help.