Devin Dickel, church relations lead at Open USA, interacts with churches and colleges to cast vision for using business to transform the world for Christ. He comes alongside what God is doing in churches and schools, and looks for ways to partner with them in their efforts to bring Christ to the marketplace.
Devin finds that churches start from many different points when it comes to how they view the importance of sacred and secular work. In a lot of churches, Devin sees a divide between jobs that are viewed as sacred (pastor, missionary, etc) and jobs that are viewed as secular (accountant, architect, etc). Devin asks questions and seeks to understand where each church stands on this topic so he can bring forward Biblical principles and new perspectives to get people thinking and talking about the role of all work in the lives of Christians.
"A church that looks like Jesus from a vocational perspective will respect all the vocations in the church - seeing them as equally pleasing to God." - Devin Dickel
After Devin shares about the work he does with Open USA, the conversation shifts to thinking about the common divide between sacred and secular work in the minds of Christians. Devin presents the fact that in Scripture we see Christ working in a traditionally secular role - as a carpenter - and later in life we see him in what would be considered a sacred role - preaching the good news of the Gospel. Drawing from the Biblical principles, Devin shows how Christians can learn from Christ's example and strive to be more life Christ in how we view our work and the work that others do.
To learn more about Open USA, visit their website (

Devin Dickel, church relations lead at Open USA, interacts with churches and colleges to cast vision for using business to transform the world for Christ. He comes alongside what God is doing in churches and schools, and looks for ways to partner with them in their efforts to bring Christ to the marketplace.

Devin finds that churches start from many different points when it comes to how they view the importance of sacred and secular work. In a lot of churches, Devin sees a divide between jobs that are viewed as sacred (pastor, missionary, etc) and jobs that are viewed as secular (accountant, architect, etc). Devin asks questions and seeks to understand where each church stands on this topic so he can bring forward Biblical principles and new perspectives to get people thinking and talking about the role of all work in the lives of Christians.

"A church that looks like Jesus from a vocational perspective will respect all the vocations in the church - seeing them as equally pleasing to God." - Devin Dickel

After Devin shares about the work he does with Open USA, the conversation shifts to thinking about the common divide between sacred and secular work in the minds of Christians. Devin presents the fact that in Scripture we see Christ working in a traditionally secular role - as a carpenter - and later in life we see him in what would be considered a sacred role - preaching the good news of the Gospel. Drawing from the Biblical principles, Devin shows how Christians can learn from Christ's example and strive to be more life Christ in how we view our work and the work that others do.

To learn more about Open USA, [visit their website](

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