The April 16th events referenced in this episode were cancelled due to COVID-19.
Chuck Proudit's journey to faith was triggered by his frustrations with work. The first project he was assigned as young brand manager left him feeling empty and less than inspired. He was totally depressed when a still, small voice reminded me of the friends he had in college who had faith. He started exploring religion and philosophy and came to Christ at age 31 as a young working professional.
Over the years Chuck learned how to weave his faith into his work. When he started to see the fruit of that he was hungry for other people to experience it.
Hestarted reaching out to working Christians who had an interest in this idea of bringing faith to work to start a discussion group. Over six months word spread and they had grown to over 300 people who wanted to get involved. Chuck began to meet with these different Christians and learning about how they were integrating their faith into the work they did each week. Before he knew it what was emerging was a decentralized and organic model - a network of people tied together through relationship - with these different workplace initiatives. At Work on Purpose ended up being born as a ministry to help curate existing workplace initatives.
Chuck became convinced that they needed to get really good at understanding how to equip working Christians with a straight-forward framework that would be action oriented. He decided to do a research project about how Christians experience faith application at work and the feedback that came was that there are five overarching spiritual struggles that we face at work regardless of what we do. For each one of them there is a spiritual solution we can deploy. This became the framework for the Choices Profile that we package in a product called Mission to Monday.
To close out this episode, Chuck explains the five spritual struggles Christians face in the workplace, and the solutions to them.
Learn more about the ministry of At Work on Purpose by visiting their website: Go to
The April 16th events referenced in this episode were cancelled due to COVID-19.

The April 16th events referenced in this episode were cancelled due to COVID-19.

Chuck Proudit's journey to faith was triggered by his frustrations with work. The first project he was assigned as young brand manager left him feeling empty and less than inspired. He was totally depressed when a still, small voice reminded me of the friends he had in college who had faith. He started exploring religion and philosophy and came to Christ at age 31 as a young working professional.

Over the years Chuck learned how to weave his faith into his work. When he started to see the fruit of that he was hungry for other people to experience it.

Hestarted reaching out to working Christians who had an interest in this idea of bringing faith to work to start a discussion group. Over six months word spread and they had grown to over 300 people who wanted to get involved. Chuck began to meet with these different Christians and learning about how they were integrating their faith into the work they did each week. Before he knew it what was emerging was a decentralized and organic model - a network of people tied together through relationship - with these different workplace initiatives. At Work on Purpose ended up being born as a ministry to help curate existing workplace initatives.

Chuck became convinced that they needed to get really good at understanding how to equip working Christians with a straight-forward framework that would be action oriented. He decided to do a research project about how Christians experience faith application at work and the feedback that came was that there are five overarching spiritual struggles that we face at work regardless of what we do. For each one of them there is a spiritual solution we can deploy. This became the framework for the Choices Profile that we package in a product called Mission to Monday.

To close out this episode, Chuck explains the five spritual struggles Christians face in the workplace, and the solutions to them.

Learn more about the ministry of At Work on Purpose by visiting their website: Go to

The April 16th events referenced in this episode were cancelled due to COVID-19.

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