Devin Dickel, church relations lead at Open USA, interacts with churches and colleges to cast vision for using business to transform the world for Christ. He comes alongside what God is doing in churches and schools, and looks for ways to partner with them in their efforts to bring Christ to the marketplace.
Devin talks about how the sacred/secular divide is rooted in the idea that some vocations are more important to God and those who do them are more important to God. Everyone else is supposed to make money to support those who do the important work. This leads to marketplace workers feeling that God doesn't care about their work, or how they do their work.
Through his work at Open USA, Devin is helping people consider what it means to be a someone who loves like Christ in the marketplace.
*Practical action: *Write out a description of your work on a piece of paper. Once you have that, write out a prayer right next to it about how you want to devote and dedicate every aspect of what you just wrote about your work to God.
" yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." - 1 Peter 2:5
Questions about prayer to consider:
1. Are you talking to God about the specific details of your work?
2. Are you praying regularly for 3-5 co-workers you see in your office?
3. Do you ask to pray with your co-workers when they tell you about needs in their life?
Our love needs to look different - consider small, yet meaningful, ways to show love in your workplace. Unless the Holy Spirit prompts you to share the whole Gospel, it is best to not say too much too quickly. Wait until they are hungry to share the whole Gospel. Listen to the Lord and follow His prompting. Make little things a part of your routine.
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Devin Dickel, church relations lead at Open USA, interacts with churches and colleges to cast vision for using business to transform the world for Christ. He comes alongside what God is doing in churches and schools, and looks for ways to partner with them in their efforts to bring Christ to the marketplace.

Devin talks about how the sacred/secular divide is rooted in the idea that some vocations are more important to God and those who do them are more important to God. Everyone else is supposed to make money to support those who do the important work. This leads to marketplace workers feeling that God doesn't care about their work, or how they do their work.

Through his work at Open USA, Devin is helping people consider what it means to be a someone who loves like Christ in the marketplace.

**Practical action: **Write out a description of your work on a piece of paper. Once you have that, write out a prayer right next to it about how you want to devote and dedicate every aspect of what you just wrote about your work to God.

" yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." - 1 Peter 2:5

Questions about prayer to consider:

Are you talking to God about the specific details of your work?
Are you praying regularly for 3-5 co-workers you see in your office?
Do you ask to pray with your co-workers when they tell you about needs in their life?

Our love needs to look different - consider small, yet meaningful, ways to show love in your workplace. Unless the Holy Spirit prompts you to share the whole Gospel, it is best to not say too much too quickly. Wait until they are hungry to share the whole Gospel. Listen to the Lord and follow His prompting. Make little things a part of your routine.

Download the AFB Bible App:

Apple App Store
Google Play

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