The word governance means to steer or to navigate. Bill Bojan shares how governance is a way for us to guide and steer life and business correctly. Bill discusses how the Great Commission, which most Christians are familiar with, is Jesus giving His followers a charge based on the authority He has from God.
Bill warns that when we don't steward our lives, businesses, and resources in the way God wants us to, our authority is corrupted. This is a call to Christian, American, Leaders to follow God's plan for leadership and governance. If we will turn back to God and do things His way He will heal us and heal our land.
Additionally, Bill shares the lesson the polished arrow from Isaiah 49:2-3. Being a polished arrow means we are in the Lord's quiver, but we are accountable to the Lord for how we use our giftings.
Connect with Bill: [email protected]
Learn more about Bill's work at Solomon 365:

The word governance means to steer or to navigate. Bill Bojan shares how governance is a way for us to guide and steer life and business correctly. Bill discusses how the Great Commission, which most Christians are familiar with, is Jesus giving His followers a charge based on the authority He has from God.

Bill warns that when we don't steward our lives, businesses, and resources in the way God wants us to, our authority is corrupted. This is a call to Christian, American, Leaders to follow God's plan for leadership and governance. If we will turn back to God and do things His way He will heal us and heal our land.

Additionally, Bill shares the lesson the polished arrow from Isaiah 49:2-3. Being a polished arrow means we are in the Lord's quiver, but we are accountable to the Lord for how we use our giftings.

Connect with Bill: [email protected]

Learn more about Bill's work at Solomon 365:

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