When was the last time you made a deposit in your physical health account? Ron Henderson, The Fitness King, covers the basics of health economics with our host, Bob Willbanks, in this episode on The Thrive! Podcast.
Where do you start? Ron recommends the following basics:
Visit your doctor for a health physcial
Weight train three days per week
Work with an experienced trainer
Understand the basics of a healthy diet and use common sense with your eating
Create accountability for yourself
Ron strives to help people to be the best they can be in all areas. He lives by the following principles and trains others to do the same:
It is true that people do judge us by our appearance
Have a positive attitude in everything
Catch and release
Care more about the customer than you do about yourself
Read the full show notes here: https://www.afbnl.com/2019/03/13/investing-in-your-health/
Learn more about The Fitness King and connect with Ron on his website: https://fitnessking.com/

When was the last time you made a deposit in your physical health account? Ron Henderson, The Fitness King, covers the basics of health economics with our host, Bob Willbanks, in this episode on The Thrive! Podcast.

Where do you start? Ron recommends the following basics:

Visit your doctor for a health physcial
Weight train three days per week
Work with an experienced trainer
Understand the basics of a healthy diet and use common sense with your eating
Create accountability for yourself

Ron strives to help people to be the best they can be in all areas. He lives by the following principles and trains others to do the same:

It is true that people do judge us by our appearance
Have a positive attitude in everything
Catch and release
Care more about the customer than you do about yourself

Read the full show notes here: https://www.afbnl.com/2019/03/13/investing-in-your-health/

Learn more about The Fitness King and connect with Ron on his website: https://fitnessking.com/

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