During flight training, Stan Willbanks, Bob's father, was taught to follow these steps when he felt lost - or actually was lost - in the air:
Admit that you are lost, and that you don't know where you are
Radio for help
Look for landmarks - see if you see something familair that you trust
Confirm with your instruments in you can
Verify your reorientation
Get back on track
Stan has been transitioning into retirement following his time as a pilot, and in this episode of The Thrive! Podcast, he shares advice about navigating changes in life.

During flight training, Stan Willbanks, Bob's father, was taught to follow these steps when he felt lost - or actually was lost - in the air:

Admit that you are lost, and that you don't know where you are
Radio for help
Look for landmarks - see if you see something familair that you trust
Confirm with your instruments in you can
Verify your reorientation
Get back on track

Stan has been transitioning into retirement following his time as a pilot, and in this episode of The Thrive! Podcast, he shares advice about navigating changes in life.

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