Welcome to the Connected To The Land podcast, sponsored by Peavey Mart.

On this latest episode, Ian chats with Dave and Amanda. Situated in the hills of Algoma, Northern Ontario, Dave and Amanda are building their homestead by embracing the surrounding wilderness. Working sustainably with what is seasonally available on and around the Wilderstead, they use their website, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube channel to document their adventures while becoming self-reliant with one full time and one part time “Wildersteader”. They add a different perspective to the existing community of similar websites and Youtube channels. They differ from most homesteading websites and Youtubers, because they supplement what they can grow and raise theirselves with what we can forage and catch in nature. They differ from most outdoor adventure and bushcraft blogs because this is their lifestyle and not their hobby. They hope their website and videos will be useful to people that also want to be more self-reliant, in particular, in colder climates like northern Ontario.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/wilderstead

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wilderstead

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wilderstead/

Website: https://www.wilderstead.com

Peavey Mart stores are rooted in the communities we serve and we are ‘connected to the land’ in the same way our customers are. Whether you are an urban farmer, backyard chicken aficionado, traditional rancher or anything in between, we offer just the right mix of homesteading, outdoor adventure, DIY, yard and garden, outdoor and work wear, husbandry, livestock and pet supplies.

Whether you’re a ‘dabbler’ or ‘all-in’, we are here to help and strive to offer a range of products that will meet the unique needs of our customers. Peavey Mart will always be there with the tools, equipment, indoor or outdoor wares, seed or feed - for everyday work, fun… or ‘connecting to the land’ on a whole new level.

For more information go to www.peaveymart.com