In the gaming world, artificial intelligence (AI) is proving to be a game-changer. It has played a pivotal role in enhancing game-player’s experiences. Amongst other capabilities, Artificial intelligence is used to generate responsive, adaptive, or intelligent behaviors primarily in non-player characters (NPCs) similar to human-like intelligence. With the right tools and access to advanced technologies, developers […]

In the gaming world, artificial intelligence (AI) is proving to be a game-changer. It has played a pivotal role in enhancing game-player’s experiences. Amongst other capabilities, Artificial intelligence is used to generate responsive, adaptive, or intelligent behaviors primarily in non-player characters (NPCs) similar to human-like intelligence. With the right tools and access to advanced technologies, developers can create more immersive game experiences and take advantage of machine learning algorithms. Listen in to learn how AI is influencing the gaming industry and the game-developer ecosystem.


Adam Goodrich – Adam is the founder and general manager of Procedural Worlds based in Sydney, Australia.

Peter Cross – Senior Software Engineer at Intel.

Learn more:

Procedural Worlds

Canopy by Procedural Worlds

Intel Game Dev AI Toolkit

Intel Distribution of OpenVINO Toolkit

Intel oneAPI Toolkits