We're talking a lot about the endings at the moment.

Last time we discussed the break down of normal political discourse in rich democracies and the polarization that underpins that.

This week, we zoom out and look at the end of Globalization with economist Michael O'Sullivan.

Get his book here: https://www.thelevelling.blog

-- O'Sullivan sketches out a vision of a new, multipolar world. We will divide into three broad power bases and see the multinational institutions of the 20th Century fade away. Do we think this will be a nightmare or a blessing or a real option in between?

-- One of those big powers is undergoing a massive rejig right now with all new nominees for the top jobs. Interestingly, one of those nominees is coming in from the IMF where she has been praised for doing the seemingly impossible and restoring its reputation. Even China liked her. Can she repeat this performance with the ECB?

-- The other top jobs were decided as a series of compromises between the EU member states, with a broadly federalist French approach coming up against the more nationalistic East and South. Eventually, it fell to Germany to bridge the gap. But can Europe become a real global force with such a messy (and undemocratic) process of deciding its leaders?


Our thanks to Are We Europe as usual.