This week, we focus on cryptocurrency.

With the price of Bitcoin and Ethereum going through the roof, Raj decided to jump on that hype train and learn how it all works as he went along.

He found out how it all works, what the life of a cryptocurrency trader is like and what digital currency might mean beyond investing and trading. (Check out the blog post this Saturday for more on that last point).

Big shout out to Ben Taylor for his help. Check him out on Twitter ( or on his website If you feel like buying some bitcoin, there’s a referral link on there.

More thanks go to everybody on Whalepool, the Telegram channel, for being so helpful with research - especially to CipherScience ( and Bombo (

And, finally, another shout out to Dominic Frisby
( - you can buy his book “Bitcoin: The Future of Money” here: He has a podcast of his own called “Stuff That Interests Me” - check it out on Youtube (

Everything discussed in this podcast refers to paper trades and should not be interpreted as financial advice. If you can think of something in this space you’d want us to cover in the future, get at Raj on the whalepool telegram or by email: [email protected]

Trump tweets about TIME person of the year and everybody loses their minds.

Why are we all still talking about every little bit of nonsense Donald Trump tweets out? We know it doesn't make him less popular. If anything, it gives him far too much coverage ($2 billion of free coverage during the US Election). The love-hate relationship between Trump and the news media is a pattern we've seen enough.

It doesn't work. Stop talking about it.


We hear a lot about 'Russian interference' these days, from the US elections to Brexit and beyond. A lot of the time, the focus is put on a Cold War era image of Russia, where the state is the main actor and Putin runs everything from shadowy meetings.

The reality is more complicated than that.

Warren goes into some of the funding behind Brexit and the role of a wide and largely disparate network of disaster capitalists whose interests happen to align with Putin's.


You know the drill:

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