With all the recent reaction and controversy to Zack Snyder's Batman V. Superman Dawn of Justice, that we talked for over 2 hours about in Episode 43 of the confirmed epic podcast. I thought now would be the perfect time to go back into the epic review vaults, and re-release episode 17 of the podcast, were we reviewed Snyder's Man of Steel in June of 2013.  It was a different time, the world was just about to be introduced to Snyder's version of the DC universe, and we were all young podcasters beginning to cut our teeth in the industry,long before the breakout success of anything like Brad's work at Geeks World Wide or before Jerry built his toy review empire over at actionfigurebarbecue.com.  This episode also features Jerry's wife Kristen, and our former co-host Gena Wiltshire, in other words the true OG's of the confirmed epic podcast! Enjoy!

An EPIC thanks to Geener-beaner for restoring this classic audio!

As always email any questions or comments about the show to [email protected] or tweet Brad @thereelbradbell