You have that inner badass, that inner rebel and you always have your guard up, afraid to let anyone in. You are the one everyone else comes to for advise. You take care of everyone and everything without hesitation. You are that person who gets shit done! But let me ask you... who is doing that for you?

Too often, tough women hide behind this mask and always have our game faces on. It takes some serious courage to stop hiding and really say what you are feeling. It's hard to find those people. It's easy to say everything is OK when deep down you wish you had someone to talk to.. 

This episode I ask you why are you hiding? What are you afraid of? How can we start to step into that powerful human that you are called to be? How can you start to let your guard down and let the right people in. You don't want to miss this one! 

Looking for support? Fill out the application and let's chat to see if you and I are a good fit together.