One of the biggest reasons we don't go after our goals or make time for ourselves if because we don't have enough time. We are constantly running around and barely have time to breathe. When it comes time to go to bed, we wonder where our entire day went and we don't feel accomplished! 

I want to break down a few tools that have helped me get focused and intentional with my time. This has helped me move the needle forward in my personal and professional life, allowing me to achieve things I never thought possible all while spending more time on self care and with my family. 

1. Do a time audit. 

2. Put in all your appointments or work schedule. 

3. How do you want to feel this week? 

4. What is your focus today? Choose ONE high leverage action. 

5. What is your main focus this week? Choose ONE high leverage action. 

 I love my Passion Planner and my High Performance Habits Planner. You can find both on Amazon or with a quick Google search. 

Reminder! Confidence Mastery Program starts February 10th and we have a few spots left! I'm throwing in a few awesome bonuses for those who sign up in January! GET EXCITED AND READY TO MAKE SH!T HAPPEN IN YOUR LIFE!