“Nothing changes if nothing changes.”
What’s more uncomfortable? Staying the same or growing pains? I knew I couldn’t continue living the way I was. Chances are, I would have ended up in jail again or who knows what else. I was tired of living for everyone’s expectations of me.
I am strong willed person, always have been and always will be. But there were certain people in my life that I would let get under my skin and let them ruin how I felt about myself.
Funny how ONE person saying ONE thing can have such an effect on your future. I just had this conversation with my husband yesterday. See if you can keep up with me here...
It’s funny how we let what we think others think about ourselves, dictate how we live our life and the chances we take. We basically live our lives in perception of what we think others think we SHOULD be doing..
No wonder we are anxious and exhausted. That’s a LOT of worrying and thinking to do for absolutely no reason at all....

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